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Rita Chami, Africa 2.0’s Vice Chairman of the Board of Director, Chapter Head of Africa 2.0 Morocco, CEO of Emeraude Service (reputation management company) and Proverboom (international events planning across Africa) has been appointed New Leaders for Tomorrow on the occasion of the 1st edition of the Crans Montana Forum on Africa and South-South Cooperation in Dakhla (Morocco) in March 2015.
Mrs. Chami has worked closely with H.E Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar,COP22 President, during the conference addressing challenges that African countries are currently facing and has forged South-South partnership models on sustainable development and climate resilience.
It is essential that the relationships implemented during COP 22 work towards Africa’s goal of ensuring a stable macro-economic environment, improving the investment climate, addressing the governance issues in order to secure food for the people and meet Africa's needs.
In addition, Africa 2.0 and African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) has gathered a delegation of 120 young African from youth-led and youth-focused organizations around the World, to host two side events presenting their position to COP 22 on Integrating Youth in the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) across Africa and Making climate finance work.
In the framework of the forthcoming Crans Montana Forum on Africa and South-South Cooperation to be held in March 2017 in Dakhla (Morocco), a debriefing of COP 22 Conference in Marrakech will be organized. It will mainly address the expected impact of reduction of climate change effects for Africa, the innovations that are required for the Small Islands Developing States and the follow up on the decisions taken during COP22.
Crans Montana Forum on Africa and South-South Cooperation Programme
Législatives 2016 de Cocody : victoire de Yasmina Ouégnin, Membre du Forum de Crans Montana des Nouveaux Leaders du Futur, avec 56,86% des suffrages exprimés.